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Meet The Team

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Tilden Remerleitch


Victoria Castro

Tilden Remerleitch is a geographer, researcher, and National Geographic Explorer. She lived in Ecuador as a child and returned in 2018-2019 to conduct research and collect the stories of people who lost their homes in Ecuador due to environmental factors such as the 2016 earthquake, mining and petroleum extraction, and climate change.


Tilden completed her undergraduate at the University of Vermont where she received degrees with honors in Geography, Mandarin, and Asian Studies. Tilden has received U.S. and international recognitions such as: National Geographic Society, Critical Language Scholarship, Boren Scholarship, and GeoSpatial Intelligence Foundation. 

Tilden has a background in public speaking, GIS mapping, and audio and digital production. She is the executive producer for this series. You can check out her past podcast, “Grounded: Stories of Refugee Resettlement in Vermont,” on itunes by following this link :

Tilden Remerleitch

Victoria Castro is a communications specialist with an emphasis in journalism. She completed her academic studies in the city of Quito at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador. Through various work experiences she has also gained recognition for her digital communication work. She currently runs the communications department for Filmarte, an audiovisual production company that tells stories of the oral tradition of Ecuadorian communities. In addition, she works for a marketing agency as a community manager.

Victoria's desire to tell stories helped her cross paths with Tilden, to co-create, “Lo que nos mueve,” the Spanish version of this podcast. Victoria's experience and knowledge of Ecuador’s social and cultural issues was key to the production of the spanish podcast.

Soon you will see Victoria in her gastronomic journalism blog where she talks about the connections between food, family and the evolution of the flavors from our childhood to the present.

Meanwhile you can check out her, Peace Through Vision project, a podcast where she speaks with professionals around the world in order to find incentives for action in our daily lives. 


Victoria Castro

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